I am currently recruiting people to collaborate with me to build a much-needed knowledge base around how queer people negotiate sexual consent and pleasure.
This research is about understanding how people who have sex with those of more than one gender (bisexual, pansexual, queer & so forth) use sexual communication in their sexual interactions. In the interviews we will explore whether there are differences in sexual communication practices depending on the gender and/or sexuality of the participants sexual partner(s). In these interviews I will be primarily interested in exploring when participants have used sexual communication well, and how they have been able to negotiate sexual pleasure with different partners.
If you choose to participate you will:
– Be interviewed by me
– Asked to reflect on the gender/sexuality of your sexual partners
– Asked to think about how this may have influenced your sexual communication practices
– Asked to reflect on your own gender and sexuality
– Asked to describe some of your experiences of sexual communication (as much as you are comfortable)
Interviews will:
– Take approx 1 hour
– Be done online using Zoom
– Be audio recorded and later transcribed
Your participation:
– Is completely voluntary
– Can be stopped, or withdrawn at any time
– Can be anonymous
We hope that this project will help to better understand how queer people are negotiating sexual consent and are using sexual communication to negotiate sexual pleasure. This research aims to expand understandings of sexual consent to reflect more ethical sexual communication practices that consider the negotiation of pleasure as integral to consensual sex.
To participate you must be over 18, have sexual experiences with people of more than one gender, reside in Australia. Please get in touch – my email is at the bottom of the below poster.